Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Industrial Technology

Image result for industrial american technology

Rapid Growth

With the end of the civil war brought rapid growth and uniting of technology. It allowed for all minds to work together to create a massive amount of new inventions resulting in many similar things used today. This rapid growth came with many issues (as most new things do). Many people got hurt and many laws were put into place to protect people from all of this new dangerous technology. With how easy technology was to use kids were able to start working very young. Kids were killed trying to put food on the table for their family while companies were taking advantage of them working them 12 hours and paying them next to nothing. Technology has many great things about it but also can be abused.

Update #3
For my third blog post I have been working on my Digital project. I have been using as my website to help make my website. I also have been looking at many other sources for my project besides the ones I already have like the books I have read. I think my project is coming along nicely and it will be a somewhat nice website. I think I'm like 30% done rather then 50% but I believe I'll be able to complete it.